Udacity Professional Profile Review

Develop your Professional Profile to attract Udacity hiring partners.

In this project, you will look at your Udacity Professional Profile through the lens of a Udacity hiring partner recruiter.

Professional Profile Review

Now that you've completed your Profile, you can get it reviewed by one of our qualified career reviewers!


Your Professional Profile will be reviewed by a Udacity reviewer against this Professional Profile Review Rubric.


When you're ready to submit your Profile:

  1. Click the "Share Profile" link on the top of your edit page. Copy the public-facing link and submit that as your project. Once you’ve copied the link, feel free to disable “Recruiter Access” if you want to keep your profile private from recruiters. Reviewers will still be able to view your profile.
  2. To submit, go back to your homepage and click on "Submit Project" or go directly to the Professional Profile Review page and follow the submission instructions.


It can take us up to 1 week to evaluate the Professional Profile Review Project so keep checking back for updates.
If you are having any problems submitting your Profile link or wish to check on the status of your submission, please email us at career-support@udacity.com.